About Hack NTX

To promote civic engagement and smart city innovation in North Texas, this event is all about collaboration between cities and citizens to turn problems into opportunities, and ideas into products that can have a measureable, positive impact on their own community.
Hack NTX is a 100% community organized hackathon by TechMill, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on building community through networking, events, and education!

The Future of Smart Cities

Above: See how smart cities are rising to meet the challenges of rapid urban development.

Cities are constantly improving their technology infrastructure to keep pace with the modern world. Data has become the single most important decision making tool that helps our local governments make better choices on urban planning and infrastructure development based on evidence to benefit our communities.

Hack NTX is a hackathon aimed at supporting cities and communities across North Texas who are investing and researching in new ways to improve the lives of everyday citizens through technology. This event is a chance for those passionate about civic technology, government transparency, and open data to utilize their skillsets in building applications, tools, and prototypes that support smart city initiatives.

How can my city participate?

The purpose of Hack NTX is to integrate passionate technologists with innovative cities to validate or prototype new smart city projects, or brainstorm and address problems city officials see in their own community that could be positively addressed through technology. Are you a city with a project? Visit our sponsor page for more information, or contact us directly.

Here are some categories of projects that could be pitched at Hack NTX.


What can we do to better monitor our air quality or gather better data for more robust air quality data?


How do we encourage citizens to ride bikes, walk and use transit more instead of riding in cars alone?


How can we increase the number of residents utilizing our renewable energy programs or incentives?


How can we provide an easier, more accurate way for citizens to submit safety issues for the cities to review?

Who can attend?

For those who think Python isn't a pet and JSON isn't the name of a deli, then you're already halfway there! Hackathons are technical in nature and needs developers who can take solution concepts and turn them into practical applications. Whether you're piecing together APIs or building on top of a new framework - developers are crucial to delivering projects.

A user interface is like a joke - if you have to explain it, it's not very good. Designers can provide invaluable insight into the user interface and user experience when developing a new product. Developers and designers go hand-in-hand to delivering functional and usable software.

A project without a purpose is just code and colors. Non-technical participants can encompass a number of roles, but generally are business development or subject matter experts who can provide insight, logic, and reason as to what the projects are actually trying to solve.

The first part to getting involved is showing up! This hackathon is not limited to "professionals" by any means. Whether you're an expert in NodeJS or blockchain - or just trying to apply those C++ courses into a practical project - this event will provide you with invaluable experience.

*You must be 18+ to participate.

What's in it for me?


Cash Prizes

While this is currently dependent upon the number of sponsors we get, the top team will be walking away with cold hard cash.


Because you can't attend a tech event without leaving with at least a stack of laptop stickers - right?


Take the opportunity to mingle with peers, network with like minded individuals, and try something you never have before.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hack NTX?

Hack NTX is a hackathon where participants work together with city representatives to develop prototypes (or full applications) or validate civic problems that can be addressed through technology.

What’s a hackathon?

A hackathon is a creative marathon all about building cool things. Participants listen to organizations present their problems, form teams, and then build out that idea into a product in a day. We take these civic issues and smart city concepts and combine it with technology to make something impactful. It's a great time to push the envelope and learn some new skills.

Does it cost money?

Nope! As an MLH Local Hack Day event, we're keeping it pretty lean. We will provide food on Saturday night, and drinks/snacks over the course of the day, but you just need to plan for lunch on Saturday (bring a lunch or we're right next to a lot of restaurants!)


Participants will arrive starting at 8am on Saturday December, 1 2018. You'll register, get coffee, and we'll start the project pitches right after. Hacking goes on all day and the closing ceremony will begin at 7pm.


This event will be hosted at University of North Texas' new Frisco location at Inspire Park.

What if I have no experience or ideas?

Don't be afraid if you don't think you have enough experience or a team - everyone has a first hackathon! Mentors who are well-versed in a variety of topics will also be there to help you, whether it be finding a team, fleshing out solutions, or just figuring out where to begin.

What should I bring?

All you need is yourself, your tech setup (laptop, charger, headphones, etc), and a great attitude - we'll provide the rest!

How else can I get involved?

We'd love to get you on our volunteering or mentoring teams! If you'd like to help, send us an email!. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates!


Don't bring any firearms, knives, weapons, drugs, or alcohol. Don't use an old project - start a new trail instead! Also, please read our Rules. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody (TL;DR be nice).

Other Questions?

Send us an email at [email protected], or message us on Facebook!


Civic Duties



UNT Inspire Park
6170 Research Rd
Frisco, TX 75033

Are you a city who needs a prototype?